A Small Course Correction
The LORD’s plan has always been better than ours. He’s proven that to us time and time again over the years so were okay with the news we’re about to share. Back in September, 10 days before we left for Minembwe, we learned there was a small amount of cancer found in my (Michael’s) prostate. Since there is no way from Minembwe to monitor the cancer and treat it less radically, we have opted to have my prostate removed.
Lisa and I will return to the States on March 7. I’ve promised my family that I will be on my best behavior during the recovery period, so they are allowing me to return to Minembwe on May 22. We know that you all “have our backs” with regard to prayer; it is, and has always been a huge comfort to us. Miles, Emilee, and the girls will continue to stay in Minembwe while we are gone.
We’ve had tremendous communication problems here in Minembwe since the national election process began at the end of December, so we’ll do our best to soon inundate you with what we’ve been up to since December.